Saturday, November 15, 2008

WoW macros for general use, for any class

World of warcraft macros usable by any class. Check WoW Macros You Can't Live Without to find macros for specific classes.

Sticky Attack Icon
This is a good replacement for the melee attack icon. This macro will prevent you fron disabling melee attack when you hit it again by accident during a fight. Use the ? icon and it will show your main weapon as an icon.

# show attack

1-Click Self-Bandage
With this macro, no need to target yourself first before casting. Just click and heal away... It will try using the first kind of bandage, and if none are available, will try the next one. Replace Wool and Silk with the type of bandages you have, you may remove one of the lines or add some to you heart's desire.

/use [target=player] Wool Bandage
/use [target=player] Silk Bandage

New Improved 1-Click Self-Bandage
Clicking the icon will use a bandage on yourself. Right-clicking will heal your current target.

/use [button:1, target=player] Heavy Wool Bandage
/use [button:1, target=player] Silk Bandage
/use [button:2] Heavy Wool Bandage
/use [button:2] Silk Bandage

Random Pet (vanity pets)
This simple macro will cast a random pet from one of several pets. Replace Piglet's Collar or Cat Carrier (Bombay) with the name of your favorite pets. You can add new ones by adding a coma (,) before each one.

/castrandom Piglet's Collar, Cat Carrier (Bombay)

Weapon Swap
These macros will make you switch from a 1h weapon + shield to a 2h weapon configuration. If you are incombat when you switch your weapons, it will start attacking. Replace Decapitating Sword of the Bear with the one-handed weapon of your choice, and Outrunner's Shield of Stamina with the name of your shield, and replace Taskmaster Axe with your two-handed weapon.

Clicking this version of the macro will take you into 1h wep/shield config, right clicking will equip your 2h wep. Note: currently trying to get a working mashable/toggle version

/equipslot [button:1] 16 Decapitating Sword of the Bear
/equipslot [button:1] 17 Outrunner's Shield of Stamina
/equipslot [button:2] 16 Taskmaster Axe
/startattack [combat]

Fishing Equip and Cast/Un-equip
This macro will equip your favorite fishing pole on first click, cast on the second (and third, and...). Right click the icon to re-equip your fighting gear. Replace Big Iron Fishing Pole with the name of your fishing pole, Coldrage Dagger by the name of your main hand weapon, and Sword of Omen with your off-hand weapon (or shield).

/equip [noequipped:Fishing Pole, button:1] Big Iron Fishing Pole
/equipslot [button:2] 16 Coldrage Dagger
/equipslot [button:2] 17 Sword of Omen
/cast [equipped:Fishing Pole, button:1] Fishing

Mount/Dismount +trinket and boots switch
This macro will summon the mount of your choice (will not work for pallys and locks as they are spells) and put un the Carrot on a Stick trinket as well as put on your riding boots (with spurs). When you dismount, it will put your favorite trinket in place of the COAS. Replace Red Hawkstrider with the name of your mount and Nifty Stopwatch with the name of your favorite for-use-when-on-foot trinket. Replace Defiler's Leather Boots with your fighting boots, and Mounting Boots with the name of your boots with spurs.

/use Red Hawkstrider;
/equipslot [mounted] 14 Nifty Stopwatch
/equipslot [mounted] 8 Defiler's Leather Boots
/equipslot [nomounted] 14 Carrot on a Stick
/equipslot [nomounted] 8 Mounting Boots